Suri Cruise: Park with Tom & Katie.
Child fashionista Suri Cruise chases her Hollywood superstar parents Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes around a park on Saturday afternoon (October 10) in Cambridge, Mass.
Harvard Law Record blogger Jessica Corsi recently wrote about Tom Cruise’s surprise visit to celebrity attorney Bertram Fields’ guest lecture in professor Bruce Hay’s entertainment-law class.
“His daughter, Suri, has, according to Cruise, some comical responses [to paparazzi],” Corsi wrote. “For example, she will sometimes throw down her hands and say, ‘Why is this person following me?’ She has responded to encroachments on her privacy by raising a hand and declaring, ‘Personal space!’ ”

Today Suri wore a beautiful Mini maxi dress by australian brand Polka Kids.
this Polka dress is available online for purchase at:
with confortable red shoes by brand Jacadi..jpg)
and the Diamond Jacquard Tie Cardigan australian brand Seed..jpg)
Source: JustJared.